
时间:2023-01-10 10:06:03 手机站 来源:网络

中考英语写作四字六字八字谚语1  捷足先得。theearlybirdcatchestheworm.  不进则退。nottoadvanceistogoback.  一举两得。killtwobirdsw下面是小编为大家整理的中考英语写作四字六字八字谚语3篇(完整),供大家参考。



  捷足先得。the early bird catches the worm.

  不进则退。not to advance is to go back.

  一举两得。kill two birds with one stone.

  无劳无获。no pains, no gains.

  苦尽甘来。no sweet without sweat.

  善有善报。a good turn deserves another.

  眼见为实。seeing is believing.

  殊途同归。all roads lead to rome.

  天道酬勤。hard work pays out.

  时不我待。time and tide wait for no one.

  言行一致。practise what you preach.

  捷足先登。the early bird catches the worn.

  好事多磨。good things never come easy.


  一心不可两用。if you run after two hares you will catch neither.

  眼不见,心不想。out of sight, out of mind.

  一切称心如意。everything in the garden is lovely.

  有志者事竟成。where there is a will, there is a way.

  不浪费,不愁缺。waste not, want not.

  事实胜于雄辩。actions speak louder than words.

  彼一时,此一时。it is different now from then.

推荐访问:谚语 中考 四字 中考英语写作四字六字八字谚语3篇 中考英语写作四字六字八字谚语1 中考英语写作四字六字八字谚语10个 中考英语写作四字六字八字谚语10句 中考英语写作四字六字八字谚语10字

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